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Dr. Incense

Processed Agarwood Incense - Processed Philippines

Processed Agarwood Incense - Processed Philippines

Regular price $70.00 SGD
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Hand-made processed agarwood sticks

Ingredient: Special selected aloewood from Philippines contain fantastic jungle and fruity-floral notes, checked piece by piece and only use the oil rich ones. It was processed in traditional way by using “Yemen Sidr Honey”

Usage: Suitable for relax or meditation.

Similar as cooking, our ancestors treated spices as a kind of food for our whole body, not only for nose. As everyone knows, most of the raw vegetable and meat need to be processed upon fire, such as steamed, fried, baked and so on. It will make the food more delicious and easy digestion in our body.

Agarwood or aloeswood is one of the most important spices, it was used thousands years in history. Our ancestors used their wisdom to process it by honey water, the processed agarwood become a dish instead of raw materials. The book wrote:“沉香制:沉香细剉,以绢袋盛于铫子当中,勿令著底,蜜水浸,慢火煮一日,水尽更添”. It means: “In order to process the agarwood, we need to break it into small pieces at first, then put it into cotton bags which hung in the pot but do not touch the bottom. Cooked slowly by using honey water for a whole day. ”

What’s the difference between the raw material and traditional processed agarwood? I would say, when you try, the first time, your body will enjoy a delicious meal.

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